Rail Museum nearest metro station
Rail Museum nearest metro station

Nearest Metro Station to Rail Museum

The nearest metro station to Rail Museum is Sir M. Vishweshwaraiah Moti Bagh Metro Station, This Station located on the Pink Line on the Delhi Metro. This station is located about 2KM away from Rail Museum, So To Reach Rail Museum Nearest Metro Station Is Sir M. Vishweshwaraiah Moti Bagh Metro Station.

Rail Museum Nearest Metro Station

Metro Station NameLine
Moti Bagh Metro StationPink Line

About Rail Museum

The National Rail Museum, New Delhi represents the splendid more than 166 years of rich heritage of Indian Railway sprawling in over 11 acres of land. Emulating the setting of a railway yard, the extensive outdoor gallery houses a variety of steam, diesel and electric locomotives along with fascinating collection of royal saloons, wagons, carriages, armored trains, rail cars and a turntable. These original life-size exhibits have been well maintained and restored. Interactive displays and models exhibited inside the Indoor gallery displays the remarkable stories related to early modes of transportation till date and future endeavors in Indian Railways. There are also some remarkable collections of historical photographs, documents, railway artifacts, static exhibits, antiquated items and old furniture which enhance the experience of around 05 lakhs visitors every year and envisioned them how a single investment of Indian Railway helped in unification and progress of India as a nation.

nearest metro station to Rail Museum
nearest metro station to Rail Museum

Nearest Metro Station To Rail Museum

Nearest Metro Station NameMoti Bagh Metro Station
Opened On 2021
Distance2 KM
Metro LinePink Line
Gates2 Gates
Station LayoutUnderground
ATM’sYes Available
ParkingYes Available
Contact No9667396684

Metro Timings 

First Metro From Moti Bagh Metro Station06:02 AM
Last Metro From Moti Bagh Metro Station11:50 PM
Frequently Asked Questions

Which station is Nearest to Rail Museum?

Sir M. Vishweshwaraiah Moti Bagh Metro Station Is nearest metro station to Rail Museum.

What is the entry fee for Rail Museum?

The Entry Fee Of Rail Museum Is Rs.100/-.

Which metro station is closest to Rail Museum?

Moti Bagh Metro Station Is The Nearest Metro Station.

Is outside food allowed in Rail Museum?

NO, Rail Museum Not allow any outside food items.

Which metro station is near to Rail Museum?

The nearest metro station to Reach Rail Museum is Moti Bagh Metro Station.

When did Rail Museum open in Delhi?

Rail Museum Delhi was open For the public in 07th October, 1971.

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Is Rail Museum Delhi open All Days?

No, Rail Museum is closed on Monday

Are mobiles allowed in Rail Museum?

Yes, mobile phones and other electronic devices are allowed in Rail Museum.


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